Sabtu, 23 November 2024
Selasa, 15 Oktober 2024
There are 5 types of Male Body Shape, each has it's own characteristic. The Body Shapes namely :
I will take you go through it. So let's Dive In and Have some Fun
You need to make friends with a good tailor, because from to time you need to make alterations for your outfit to achieve the perfect balance to your looks
OVAL Boday Shape
This type of Body shape has narrow shoulder, waist that is not define and narrow hips. Therefore to create better sihuette and better looks, we need to work on the Shoulder and Chest area to give more volume in these areas. The purpose is to make the upper part of the body looks broader than the lower part that will make a better and proportional silhuette
PEAR Body Shape
The body shape has a narrow shoulder and chest and wider on the hips area.
Our goal with this type of body shape is to focus the attention to the upper part of the Body and stay away from giving to much attenction to the lower part of the body.
This body shape, characterized by narrow shoulder that a bit droppy. Therefore we need to work on this area, by choosing the right fit. You need to make friends with a good tailor who will be able to assist you to create the right fit to your clothes especially in the shoulder area to make it looks broader and straight.
Wear shirts, jackets and suits in interesting detail to draw attention to the upper body parts
Shirts in nice light colors will broaden the looks of your shoulder and chest
Vertical Stripes Jacket and Blazer to draw attention to the upper parts of the body as well as elongate it.
Simple pants with less details but with good cut will be good to create neat and slim look on this area. Stay with Straight Cut pants and boot cut jeans if you like
So I do hope this post will assist you to be more familiar with your body shape as the firist step to be stylish and elegant.
Minggu, 13 Oktober 2024
What to do to look taller
Dalam berbusana, kita ingin menampilkan sisi terbaik dari diri kita. Untuk itu kita memerluka trik-trik yang dapat membantu menampilkan ilusi yang akan membuat kita terlihat lebih baik. Ilusi yang paling sering dibicarakan adalah bagaimana terlihat lebih tinggi, karena ukuran badan yang tinggi akan terlihat lebih baik saat memakai hampir semua disain dan ukuran baju.
Walaupun demikian, tidak berarti kita panik kalau badan kita tidak sesuai dengan standard umum seseorang yang tinggi. Berbadan tidak tinggi bisa menjadi terlihat lebih tinggi. Tidak melalu Operasi Aestetik, tetapi dengan beberapa trik yang dapat dipelajari dan dibiasakan untuk diterapkan
Let's dive in.... bagaimana supaya KELIHATAH lebih tinggi.
Jumat, 17 Mei 2024
Ellegance is an Attitude
Elegance is an Attitude
See you later.....
Kamis, 16 Mei 2024
Dude's Smart Casual Style